Work With Dan
Work With Dan
What does this mean to you as a musician and/or a music educator?
This means creating a following in love with what you do so you can sell more tickets to shows, more music downloads, more CD’s, get more live gigs, get more sessions, more YouTube views, Facebook video views, Instagram action and engagement (you NEED this!), radio airplay, more students, create a huge following in love with what you do and run successful crowdfunding campaigns … all without hammering your followers over the head over and over with the same old thing and being to salesy or boring!
“SMOS” stands for “Social Media On Steroids,” which describes the performance I have been able to get, that I want to show you how to achieve. I teach what we have been able to accomplish without ever spending money on social media advertising; Drum Talk TV, for example, reaches millions of people a month; we acquire an average of 2,500 active new fans every seven days organically – all without boosting posts, and you can build this kind of ‘community’ too!
Will my book series teach you this? Absolutely, and when you work with me personally, I will show you how to create trust, likeability and brand love amongst your following in a program I personally will tailor and present to you to meet your goals for your situation.
I have three opportunities for you to choose from, and we can discuss what the best fit for your goals is when we talk, and they all have a 100% money back guarantee (I have never had to give a refund!):
SMOS Start From Where You Are for only $897 USD* (Typically $1,897)
This course is exactly what is sounds like. It includes:
- A complete assessment of all your social media channels, as well as a look through your website if you have, and rating of the “funnel” and ecosystem between your social and your website (a $400 value). If you do not have a website yet, I will give recommendations on these points so that you start it off on the right foot.
- Starting from the current performance of how your social channels are doing, I will show you what is working, what is not, how to leverage what is and what to do about what is not.
- You will learn the purpose of a post so you can be effective and not just barf out thoughts; You will learn the BIGGEST MISTAKE everyone is making on social media (unless they have applied what they learned from my course) and how to forever avoid it; An introduction to how to truly use different tags in an effective way and stop following everyone else off the cliff; The biggest changes on Facebook and Instagram as far as how your videos are being snagged by their algorithms and reach is being squashed; An introductory overview of what statistics matter and which ones do not as far as your channels’ analytics.
- This comes with two follow-up sessions with me personally
SMOS Fast Track for only $1,797 USD* (Typically $2,797 USD)
Again, it’s just what is sounds like: Its more than a taste, more than an introduction/overview. It’s for those who are ready to wear the business hat of a Musicpreneur and get more of a jumpstart to getting results now. It includes everything above as well as:
- Identifying the different segments of your target market. How else would you know what content to create for whom? Most brands in any industry, including music, just jam what they want their supposed followers to know down their throats. You will learn why you need to create different content to resonate with different people.
- You will learn how to create more than 10 types of content that you can recreate and repurpose over and over, keep fresh and get your followers to engage and be part of the experience; A deeper look at making video work for your growth, rather than making videos that just don’t work; Scheduling and planning your content ahead of time and strategically to help achieve your goals and drive traffic where it needs to go for multiple purposes (While avoiding algorithms designed to prevent this!)
- This comes with four follow-up sessions with me personally
SMOS Mastery for Musicians at only $4,497 USD* (Typically $6,500 USD)
Mastery indeed! Mastery is for the most serious Musicpreneur who want the largest, strongest dose of what I have to offer from my Social Media On Steroids series for musicians. What I teach is from the 30,000+ hours I have spent getting Drum Talk TV to over 1 Million active fans in less than 5 years 100% organically. This course includes all of the above at a deeper level, as well as:
- Content creation excises with me that will yield you first 50 posts for your social media channels using everything you will learn.
- You will learn the art and science of spreading your content beyond your own channels without spending money to do so.
- You will learn how to do Facebook Live Vlogs in a way that will prove to be the biggest relationship-builder between you and your followers
- You will know how to understand your channels’ reports at the deepest level without having to be a mathematician or have your head explode, but rather how to leverage your results and even shortcomings of what may not be performing as well to get even better results!
- This comes with three months of follow-up sessions and unlimited access with me personally for preview of content, questions, assistance and helping you to get everything implemented and getting results IMMEDIATELY.
*Pricing Note: These courses are priced for individuals, though can allow up to three people if there is a valid “band” situation. Additional fee may be required beyond the three, and this is determined during an initial free consultation.
So click through, fill out the form and tell me about yourself and I personally will get back to you to set up a free-no obligation consultation to help pick a program that’s best for you at this time. Whether it’s you as an artist, your band, you as an educator, I can help you get much better results!
Click the Work with Dan button now to schedule a free consultation with me!